Hello, friend. I’M LAURa.

i want to help you to explore your deviant side.

I am a creative mentor for writers who crave innovative strategies to expand their practice, soothe their inner critic, and solve creative problems.

Many of the writers I work with struggle with perfectionism and guilt: even if they carve out the time to do their work, they struggle with feelings of shame about prioritising their own needs and desires.

For years, I worried at this problem. I worked as an instructor on creative writing programs, and I worked as an editor and mentor. I tried to create a unified theory of book-writing as the route to a sustainable practice. I wanted to make this accessible to as many people as possible.

There were many aspects of this work that did help writers, but what I discovered was that what most writers I work with need is to feel safe enough to make their most fearless work.

Almost by accident, I discovered a way to soothe the nervous system by not demanding too much at once. For some writers consistency is key, but for others this is a way to replicate shame-based trauma.

As a person dealing with nervous system issues and autism, I am familiar with the pain of wanting to create while being unable to feel safe enough to create the fearless, truthful work that my soul is thirsty for.

If I tried to work on something I was supposed to be doing, it would begin to feel like pressure. If I took a deep dive online, followed an oblique rabbit hole, or wrote a surprise scene for a character in an existing story, I could overcome my own defence mechanisms long enough to write myself back into the work.

Because this felt like something secret – a little bit deviant – it silenced my inner critic who warned me not to try in case I failed.

When I realised that it was the deviancy that broke down resistance, I was able to see this as a strategy that could be applied across my practice and process.

Deviancy is about subverting assumptions, but it also has a connection to creativity and passion. I have written here about the connection between kink, compassion, creativity and storytelling. And here about the erotics of writing.

if you are interested in deviant strategies:

The easiest way is to subscribe to my newsletter or listen to the podcast.

If you are looking for deeper support, Quilting Your Story is personal writing coaching that softly holds your most fearless work.